Obstetrics & Gynecology both are two separate medical aspects that mainly focus on the female reproductive system. Obstetrics deals with care and treatment for pregnant women, the labor & delivery period, the unborn baby, and the period after childbirth. On the other hand, Gynecology focuses on special medical care for reproductive organs which includes the fallopian tubes, cervix, ovaries, and more. Roy's Clinic & Multispecialty Hospital provides the best treatment for all Obstetrics and Gynecological problems with advanced technologies and high-quality machinery.
Obstetrics & Gynecology

A few common Gynecological issues in women are:


This type of Gynecological issue occurs when the endometrial tissue misplaces on the outside of the uterus. In cases when any woman doesn't get pregnant during the cycles in such a situation, every month the endometrial lining sheds along with the release of her egg. In Endometriosis, the women have endometrial tissue located outside the uterus, such tissue sheds but ends up going nowhere. In such circumstances, women face scarring and painful inflammation.

Ovarian Cyst

This type of Gynecological issue occurs when a cyst is found inside a woman's ovary. The doctors recommend proper treatment procedures after examining the size and fluid limit of the cysts. Through laparoscope, the doctors see the cysts on the screen and provide proper medical treatments to cure them.

Obstetrics & Gynecology is an essential medical branch to look upon and getting the correct treatment of the medical issue is important. We provide specialized treatment related to Obstetrics & Gynecology issues at our multispecialty hospital with advanced equipment and facilities.

Obstetrics & Gynecology Doctors

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