ENT is a medical branch in which diseases related to ear, throat, and nose gets treated. The ENT specialists treat various types of diseases and infections which occur in these areas. Our hospital has some of the best and most reputed ENT specialists in the whole North Bengal region. Here, at Roy's Clinic & Multispecialty Hospital, we provide the most satisfying treatment with the help of modern amenities. An ENT specialist treats nasal obstruction, tonsillitis, hearing issue, etc.
ENT Surgery

Treatments we provide:

Nasal obstructions: Nasal obstructions can be easily cured with the help of steroid spray which will help to remove the blockage. If a patient is suffering from severe nasal obstructions then the patient must consult with an ENT specialist. Surgery may require for removing the nasal obstruction.

Otoscopy: A doctor checks the ear of a patient through an otoscope. Otoscope is a cone-shaped tool attached to a handle. The doctor inserts an otoscope into the ear to examine the problem thoroughly.

Some other treatments that we provide at our hospital are throat swabs, the tuning fork test, etc.

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